Go On On Go, curated by Monika Wuhrer, Open Source Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Pensando en Circulos, curated by Sandra Pinardi, Galeria Carmen Araujo, Caracas , Venezuela.
White over white, curated by Juan Puntes, Theredoom Gallery, Madrid, Spain
Mamas operadas por mi Papá y pintadas por mi Mamá, curated by Sandra Pinardi, Carmen Araujo Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela
Hasta la Fecha, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, curated by Ruth Estevez, Mexico City, Mexico
EXTRA, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Selected Group Exhibitions
Rotative repository of latin american cinema: mono canal, curated by Hernan Rivera Luque, Museo del Barrio, New York
Veintitrés ensayos en tiempo real, curated by Sandra Pinardi, CBA Ateneo de Maracaibo, Venezuela
Story of a Story, curated by Shlomit Dror, Smack Melon, Brooklyn, NY
Carribean : Crossroads of the World, Perez Art Museum, curated by Elvis Fuentes, Miami, USA
Bienal de Sao Paulo en Caracas, Hacienda Cultural la Trinidad, curated by Carmen Araujo, Caracas, Venezuela
Caribbean : Crossroads of the World, Queens Museum of Art, curated by Elvis Fuentes, New York, USA
XXX Sao Paulo Bienale, curated by Luis Oramas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Monturiol updated, curated by Ruth Estevez and Sarah Demeuse, ESPAI, Barcelona, Spain
ARTEBA Art Fair, curated by Gabriela Rangel, Buenos Aires, Argentina
De Frente al Sol, Martin Janda Gallery, curated by Patrick Charpenel, Vienna, Austria
Art Videotheque, Miami-Basel Art Fair
Los de Arriba y los de Abajo, Sala de Arte Publico Siqueiros, curated by Javier Tellez, Mexico City, Mexico
Space is the Place, Newman Popiashvilli Gallery, curated by Javier Tellez, New York, New York, USA
Teleprompter, Lisa Sette Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
S Files, Museo del Barrio, curated by Deborah Cullen and Elvis Fuentes, New York, New York, USA
Arte Agora, Instituto Cervantes, curated by Elvis Fuentes, New York, New York, USA
Destino: Video Caribeno, Centro Cultural San Martin, curated by Elvis Fuentes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Destino: Video Caribeno, Fundación de Arte Contemporáneo, curated by Elvis Fuentes, Montevideo, Uruguay
Jovenes con Fia, Ibero-American Art Fair, Caracas, Venezuela
Rewind...Rewind..., Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, curated by Elvis Fuentes, San Juan, Puerto Rico
The Studio Visit, Exit Art, curated by Papo Colo and Jeanette Ingberman, New York, New York, USA
Traffic, Exit Art, curated by Papo Colo and Jeanette Ingberman, New York, New York, USA
L Factor, Exit Art, curated by Papo Colo and Jeanette Ingberman, New York, New York
AIM Program Exhibition, Bronx Museum of the Arts, curated by Lydia Yee and Amy Rosenblum-Martin, Bronx, New York, USA
Queens International, Queens Museum of Art, curated by Hitomi Iwasaki, Queens, New York, USA
ARTEBA Art Fair, moderated by Gabriela Rangel, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hasta la Fecha, Museum Carrillo Gil, moderated by Ruth Estevez, Mexico City, Mexico
Sala de Arte Publico Siqueiros, moderated by Javier Tellex, Mexico City, Mexico
Demeuse, Sarah and Estevez, Ruth, "Monturiol updated", Exhibition Catalog, ESPAI, Barcelona, Spain
Estevez, Ruth, "Hasta la Fecha", Exhibition Catalog, Museum Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico
Rosenberg, Karen, "Art Review: Space is the Place", The New York Times, July 17th, 2009, p. C25
Chura, Nathaneal, "Tennis is a White Box", Tennis Week, July 2009
Schwendener, Martha, “Art Review: A Latino Biennial That Bucks a Global Trend,” The New York
Times, August 31 , 2007, p. E28
Smith, Roberta, "Art Review: The Studio Visit", The New York Times, February 24, 2006, p. E40
Boucher, Brian, "Art fragments from the big: AIM 23 The Bronx Museum of the Arts", Flash Art International, October 2003, #232
Cotter, Holland, "A New Latino Essence, Remixed and Redistilled", Holland Cotter, The New
York Times, November 28, 2003, p. E41
Levin, Kevin, “Group Portrait”, The Village Voice, December 19, 2003, p. 84
Johnson, Ken, “A Pluralist Exhibition in the Plural Borough”, The New York Times, August 23, 2002, p. E1
1997 Metropolitan University, Caracas, Venezuela, M.S., Civil Engineering